Everything Seems Perfect In the Blogging World

Outfit photo

Hey guys today I'm going to be talking about how the blogging world is always portrayed as perfect.


I started thinking about this topic when my personal photographer Gabby went on vacation again, so that leaves me with more self timer photos that don't look so good. With almost all of my photos I feel like they are not good enough, or that I need a better camera or whatever it may be. I feel this way because I compare myself to other bloggers, and I think "their photos look amazing". In the blogging world we constantly see high quality, perfectly lit photos with the blurriness in the background. It looks like it was out of a magazine, and I get jealous of those kind of photos because I know mine will never look that good. I will never have the highest quality camera in the whole world. I'm going to be real here, I take all my pictures on my iPhone. 

Outfit photo

I'm just a high school student who is trying to manage school, cross country, and blogging. And currently I'm looking for a job, and later today I'm going to apply to Dunkin Donuts so I'll see how that goes. But my point is that in the blogging world everything seems perfect, everything seems bright and colorful, and everyday just seems like the perfect day. But in reality that's not how it is, we all have our bad days, and our unphotogenic moments. And a lot of times we have to manage other stuff than blogging. That's just a part of life. And I feel like that's what really makes us human.

Outfit photo

So for all of you that think that a bloggers life looks perfect, it's really not. I know of some bloggers who actually have a life that's pretty close to perfect. They blog full time, and they always produce amazing content. But everyone has their days, even those "perfect" bloggers. One of my dreams is to be a full time blogger. But it takes a lot of work, and time to grow your audience. And not to mention all the complex strategies that it takes to reach that kind of level. But you know, I'm just trying my best right now with what I got. So if the content isn't perfect, it's because this is real life, and it's not always going to be perfect. 

So anyways guys, thanks for reading my little rant or talk I guess you could call it. And remember that everyone has their days, and it's not always so hunky dory. I'll see you guys next Wednesday with another post. 

My social media




  1. Nice post💞
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    Online Watches In India

  2. Great post!
    Have a happy week.

  3. I really like this post! I completely agree with you - in blogging we just tend to show the highlights of our life giving the illusion of perfection, when it's never really like that. It's so rare to find blogs that show off both the good and the bad of life - great post!

    Heather xx

  4. This was such a lovely post, I couldn't agree more! I don't have a photographer, so I know how hard it is to take photos yourself.

    Have an awesome day!
    xx Kris


  5. Such a nice and honest post. I agree with you completely! I think we just have stop comparing ourselves to other bloggers, even though it might be a little difficult. It's amazing that you find time for blogging with everything you've got going on. You are doing an awesome job! :)


  6. Oh girl, I feel you. I was on the blog scene as a teenager back in 2005, and it was so different then. You didn't see all the blogs with the fancy photography like you see now. I blame the rise of social media and sites like instagram. It seems like almost every blog I go to now as professional photography where the bloggers look like models. Don't get me wrong, the photos are lovely and pretty to look at, but it definitely can have that effect on other bloggers where they seem not as good. All the photos I take on my blog are taken with an iphone, and I'm okay with that. The average person just takes pictures with their phones, and as long as you're being real and posting about things you're passionate about, you'll still continue to have an audience. So many people strive to be perfect these days and have the perfect blog, but it's just not realistic. One of my favorite bloggers always just takes regular/average everyday photos with her phone, and she comes across as so real. She doesn't try too hard and that's what I love about her blog because the average person like myself can relate to it.

  7. A really good blog! I battled with this for a while, but then I was just like "Well... My photography and text is good enough for me, so I'm going to do my thing." There must be someone who will love it! Just do you, girl!

    Heidi 🍓 | Heidi's Planner | Instagram

  8. you look so sweet!


  9. This is a great post! You are so right! Blogging is just a peek into people's worlds & often it's the pretty, happy side of things


  10. I love this post.

    New post:http://blondepow.blogspot.com/2017/08/como-llevar-las-unas-esta-temporada.html

  11. Totally agree that people try to make their lives seem perfect, when in reality non of us are perfect! I love that you take photos on your iPhone, a lot of bloggers (including myself occasionally) do too! Lovely post :)

    Anika xo | anikamay.co.uk

  12. I always struggle with my blog photos, I take them with my phone and the quality is not great, I am never pleased with them. But then again, I want my photos and content to be realistic and not something that came out of a magazine, reality is not always perfect!! Beautiful post!


  13. Beautiful post!!
    And I absolutely agree with everything you said!
    Wish you a lovely day


  14. Your pictures are great because they show personality!

    Good luck with your job hunt!


  15. I love posts like these because we are all real people just living real life. I feel the same way about my photos, because I use my iPhone for any lifestyle type posts and only whip out the nice camera for outfit posts. And even then I'm clueless on the right settings and editing. Do you girl! <3

  16. Your polka dot top is so cute!

  17. This is a nice post, so on-point! Blogging and social media in general, always portray the only good side of people. The perfect life we all other people to see. Anyway, very cute look and good luck on job hunting :)

    xx Alyssa // STYLE VANITY

  18. YOU JUST DO YOU!!! Don't bother looking sideways, it's always a big distraction. Sending you lots of luck for your interview, getting your first job is super exciting xx

    Denton & Lou 

  19. Just keep pluggin' away on improving your photos, lady- everyone has to start somewhere! I used to be a self-timer blogger, myself. :) Keep grinding + figuring out what kind of blog you want to run; keep learning + trying new things to see what sticks. You are awesome!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  20. This is so spot on and I love that you talked about this topic. Nothing is perfect and we all go through challenges. Thanks for this beautiful post. XO, Ellese


  21. Loved this post! :)


  22. It is so easy to compare yourself to other bloggers. I do it all the time and think it is better to know we are all different and unique

  23. Can I just say: "I will never have the highest quality camera in the whole world." -- you don't need the "highest quality camera" to produce the photos that you deem as high quality. I am a photographer by trade and these days, digital cameras are very high quality, even on the consumer level. You can get a $500 camera body (or probably used for even cheaper) and the main thing that you want is a good lens (I use a $200 lens and use it like a workhorse) and the lens that you want is a 50mm 1.8f lens. That's all you need. Don't be discouraged - you can do it, if all you want is a good camera!


  24. You don't need the best camera in the world, you just need a good dale and practice practice practice! Good luck on your Dunkin Donuts interview!
    xx, Nicole

  25. Love this post! It can be easy to compare yourself with other bloggers, but the best thing I did was identify what I loved about their photos and analyze why and figure out how I can incorporate what I love in my photographs. Camera type (DSLR vs iPhone), composition, lighting, etc.
    Don't be discouraged, it's an endless and fun learning process. In the end, I found my own path of photographs that spoke to me and that were more me.
    Grey Canvas

  26. ouwwww... honey, its okay, I think every picture tells a story, no matter professionally taken by photographer or just a shot from a mobile camera or pocket camera. I love the originality of a picture, it tells sooo much! like yours here. people judge, so they do, but who really cares, the main thing is that its a fruit of your hard work and its an awesome try! keep on going! you will be good at it! I use tripod and timer anyways. everyone is too busy to take spare time for my photos.... hahaha.... :D
    great sharing dear!!!
    instagram @grace_njio

  27. You have a very nice blog!
    Keep it up x

  28. Love the realness to this post. You couldn't be more right, a blogger's life is far from perfect. I remember that every time I change my wardrobe in my jeep or am sweating or freezing outside trying to get the perfect shot =P. The important thing is not to be too hard on yourself and allow your blog to grow organically =)

    Rina Samantha

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  30. You could not be more right. It's easy to get put down by the perfection a picture can do but remember that everyone is struggling when it comes to blogging.

    Simply Me
