My Favorite Vegan Smoothie Recipies

Smoothie Bowl

Hey guys so I'm back and I wanted to announce that I will be doing new blog posts every Wednesday. Lately I've been proud of my Instagram content but not so much with my blog. I used to post on my blog twice a week and now it's like I only do one or two posts per month. So I want to get back into it and crank out some good content that I feel inspired by. So today I will be sharing my favorite vegan smoothie recipes. 

Daily Smoothie

This is the one that I do the most out of all of these and it's so good like the title says. So for this recipe you will need...
-2 bananas
-2 spoonfuls of oats
-A berry mix (I use  strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, and blueberries)
-A splash of orange juice

Now you will just add that mix to a blender and you will just blend until it's done

Granola Smoothie Bowl

This recipe is perfect for breakfast since it involves granola. So for this one you will need...
-A cup of mixed berries (same mixture as the previous recipe)
-One banana
-One peeled tangerine 
-A splash of water
-A handful of granola on top

Now you will just add that everything but the granola to a blender and you will just blend until it's done
Then sprinkle the granola on there and you are done!

Berry Swirl Ice Cream

This one is my favorite out of these recipes. It literally tastes like heaven and it's like ice cream but it's completely vegan! So what you need for this recipe is...
-Three or four frozen bananas
-A splash of almond milk
-Splash of water
-Berry mix (same mix I used for the other recipes)

So you will put the bananas in the blender with a splash of almond milk and you will blend until it's done. Make sure you don't over blend because the mixture is supposed to be a little thick. The mixture is also supposed to be a light yellow color.

Then you will put your mixture in a bowl and clean your blender 

After it's clean you will throw in the berry mix with a splash of water and you will blend that until it's done. 

Then you will take out a jar or a bowl(I recommend a mason jar), and you will pour in the banana mixture first and then you will pour your berry mix on top. You can really layer it however you want but this is the way I recommend. It's like a layered taste and it's so good!!

That's all the recipes I have for you guys today. I hope you enjoyed! If you want more recipes that I didn't share on here today you can actually go to my Instagram and click on the healthy eats highlight and I have a couple more recipes on there that y'all can check out. See you guys next Wednesday! 

10 Benefits of Himalayan Salt Lamps

Have ya'll heard of Himalayan salt lamps? Well if you have not heard of Himalayan salt lamps they are pretty much natural Himalayan salt rocks with a light bulb placed inside of it.  For Christmas I bought myself a Himalayan salt lamp for more ambiance in my room but then I realized that Himalayan salt lamps actually have benefits. So I thought I would go over the benefits in this post! 

Himalayan Salt Lamp Benefits
1) Enhance overall breathing
So to start out there are these things called Cilia that are hairs that line the windpipe. Cilia act as microscopic breathing filters. Based on studies positive ions decrease cilial activity and negative ions increase cilial activity. The negative ions have a more positive effect on your breathing and Himalayan salt lamps actually release negative ions and it is believed that Himalayan salt lamps can actually help you breathe better. 

2)Purify and cleanse air
Himalayan salt lamps can help filter the air by attracting water molecules and other particles in the air and the Himalayan salt lamp actually absorbs the molecules. This is also called Hygroscopy if you want to look it up. This process is known to remove any gross particles and molecules from the air and it makes the air quality better in that area. 

3)Raise energy levels
Positive ions make your energy levels go down but since Himalayan salt lamps release negative ions your energy levels actually go up. Fun Fact: This is why Himalayan salt lamps are commonly used when it comes to energy healing because your energy increases with Himalayan salt lamps.

4)Enhance mood
The negative ions from the Himalayan salt lamp can help increase serotonin in your brain which actually improves your mood and energy levels.  

5)Helps you relax and decrease stress
Himalayan salt lamps omit a soft glow that can actually reduce your stress and help you relax. The glow acts as chromotherapy and actually puts you in a relaxing mood. The glow from the Himalayan salt lamp is also known to balance emotional, spiritual, and emotional energies. 

6)Improve Sleep
When you are overly exposed to positive ions it reduces the brain's blood and oxygen supply which makes it harder to sleep. So by having the negative ions from the Himalayan salt lamp it is proven to increase the brain's blood and oxygen supply and make it easier to fall asleep. 

7)Balance out Electromagnetic Radiation
Whether you believe it or not all of our devices have Electromagnetic radiation. EM radiation releases positive ions into the air constantly. EM radiation can cause fatigue, stress, a weak immune system, and the list goes on. But the nice thing is that Himalayan Salt lamps actually cancel out the positive ions and release negative ions which can prevent static buildup.  

8)Reduce Asthma 
This one goes along with improving your breathing. Himalayan Salt lamps filter the air and remove all the gross particles and molecules from the air. By having a Himalayan salt lamp it is said that it can reduce asthma since the air will be a better quality. 

9)Boost Blood flow
Studies find that negative ions can help improve blood flow and Himalayan salt lamps omit negative ions so the lamps could increase blood flow.

10)Increase Performance
There was a cool study where people had to complete a fourty minute task on the computer and they were exposed to negative ions. After the end of the fourty minutes it was found that when they were exposed to negative ions it reduced stress and anxiety. It also increased their performance. The reason why this happened was because negative ions increase blood and oxygen supplies in the brain and then in turn increase performance. 

Now that's all the benefits! A lot of the benefits were due to the negative ions the Himalayan salt lamp omits. Now don't y'all want to get one, I love them! Who knew a lamp could have so many benefits. Thanks for visiting my blog, I'll see you guys soon!

Why You Should Meditate Everyday


Meditation. I'm sure we have all heard of it and how good it is for us but how many of us out there actually meditate? To make you guys familiar with what meditating is, meditation is pretty much practicing on your breathing and just closing your eyes and letting it all flow. I don't think there is really a constructive definition to meditation because it's really something that you interpret in your own way. I don't think that there is just one correct way to meditate or anything I think that you can do it in so many different ways. So to get that out of the way-

I think no matter how busy you are you can incorporate it into your routine everyday. It really only takes five minutes but you could go for a longer time period. Just do what works for you. I will say the longer you do it for the deeper you go into it. Most likely if you do it for a longer time than five minutes it will be more effective.

Now why meditate?
Mediation Benefits
So as you can see there are many benefits to meditation. Personally I have experienced most of these benefits myself. Now I really didn't get into mediating until December of 2018, so I have only been meditating for around two months now. But in that time frame I have really enjoyed it and it makes you have a deeper relationship with your inner self. I have felt really present and more aware of the things around me and I feel really happy. Now I've always been pretty happy but it's like it just takes your happiness to a new level. It has also really made me realize just how connected everything in this world is. Like for example our connection to other human beings, animals in nature being connected to their environment, our connection with ourselves. I have also been more relaxed and unbothered and I'm just kind of in my own zone which I love. So I have experienced most of the benefits described and I for sure recommend meditating on a regular basis.  

I try to incorporate it into my nightly routine every night. I will say that when you are first getting into it it is hard to be consistent with it but once you get it it will just become natural to you to do it often. I think it is worth it for sure and you could even experience a spiritual awakening from doing it every day. Either way if you get anything out of it you WILL feel happier just by meditating everyday or on a regular basis. So I encourage all of you guys to start doing it. 

I am hoping to post more on my blog soon. I know I don't post as much as I used to but I am mostly active on Instagram. So you guys can find me on there @adventureswithcourtt or you can click the little Instagram button on the side of my blog and it can take you to my page. I post on there around twice a week so if you want to see my posts you can go on there. 
Thanks for reading and until next time have fun!

My Sources
