Updated room tour

My room has changed extravagantly since my last room tour on my blog. I thought I would update everyone on my room. The picture above is an overview of my room, it's what you see when you first walk in.
This is my dresser. On top of my dresser I have a vase of flowers, an oil pastel drawing of a koi fish, and a painting that I finished a week ago. I store basic stuff in the drawers of my dresser like lotion, and pj's. 
This is a closeup of the vase. I picked the flowers a few days ago. The flowers were all in areas near my house.
Here is the painting I finished a week ago. I painted this on a wooden board. I'm now displaying it on a mini easel. 
I have a full length mirror between my dresser and my bookshelf. I found this mirror while coming home from a bike ride one day. It was just sitting near the trashcan waiting to get trashed. So I got the mirror and now it's in my room. 
Then wallah, my bookshelf. At the top of my bookshelf I have my focal point, which is a gold geometric shape. My bookshelf is my main decor area so bascially my whole bookshelf is a display thing. 
I thought I would show you a closeup of my flowers that are on my bookshelf. I also handpicked these too. Flowers just really enlighten spaces so you can never have too many flowers. 
Here is my bed. I sleep on my bed now, I used to sleep on the floor to try it out. I have my stuffed animals, Wolfie(my favorite wolf in the whole world) and honey bear. I also have four photos/art prints hanging over my bed. 
Then we have my paint sample color wall. I decided to make a wall of color by using paint samples and it turned out pretty good. I got the idea when I was biking and I came across Town and Country Hardware. I went in to see if they had free popcorn and they did. But I also saw paint samples and I thought "I could create a color wall". So I did.
I have a couple pieces of art on my walls too. I painted this landscape and framed it and hung it up.
Then we have Carlee kitty standing in front of the other piece of artwork on my wall. It's a paper that is framed that has a lot of ink pen work. It has cool designs and symbols. 
Then I got this vintage thing near the end of my bed. I like the dog because it looks fluffy. 
Here is my closet. I don't use it to store clothing in because I don't need much space for my clothes since I minimized my closet. There was a unused closet in the bonus room that no one used so I put my clothes in there. I have my desk and a little nightstand to store electronics and notebooks in. 
I made a picture collage on the inside of one of my closet doors. I'm still adding to it but I just have some cool photos and little cutouts from magazines. 
This is the focal point of my closet. I made it out of sticks and twine, then I spray painted it with gold spray paint. It is such an inexpensive decoration and it looks great.
This is the left side of my closet. I just have a little bit of storage
Last but not least, here is the right side of my closet. I got a vase of red maple leaves from my backyard, and some more storage. 

So that was my room, I really love my room. It always changes around a bit but thats how it looks right now I guess. See ya next Friday with a new post. 

1 comment:

  1. courtney - add your aunt leslie to your blog subscribers; she would love it! lloydfestival@gmail.com
