August Favorites

My new bed

1)My New Bed
Guys can I just talk about how much I love my new bed, and best part of all I got it for free but then I had to buy bedding stuff. So the story behind this bed is that my grandparents are moving out of thier house, and they didn't want some of their furniture anymore, so they asked my family if we wanted it, and we said yes. So now I got a queen bed! I feel like I just upped my bed game, and I feel more adultish because before I had a twin bed. I have so much space now, and it's so cozy! I just love it.

Selfie with me and Nicole

2)The Cross Country Team
You guys may or may not know that I'm on the cross country team for my high school. It is honestly so great, and I've made lots of new friends through cross country. The season is just now kicking off, and we are competing in lots of great meets. I am the 4th or 5th fastest girl on the team, and it's my first year. So making varsity my first year is a pretty big deal because all the other newbie girls are way behind me. I ran 3 miles in 22 minutes, and 37 seconds in my last race, just so you guys can get an idea of what fitness level I'm at. Running just makes me feel so good, and I should really talk about it more on my blog, but my audience is mostly other fashion, and lifestyle bloggers so I try to stay on topic with what my audience wants. But let me know if you would like to see running related things on my blog because I would love to post about it. 

DIY planter

3)DIY projects
This month I've really been getting inspired to do more DIY projects primarily for my room. Since I launched my new home series "At Home With Sugarcoatedbears", I've been looking at ideas that I can include in the series. And watch out because my first post in the series will be out in the next couple of weeks or less. I'm like seriously loving DIY's through, like you can make something that is super cute, for barely any money. That's what I like about DIY projects!!

Me stretching

4)Stretching, and Rolling Out Every Night
For these past couple of months I've gotten into the routine of stretching, and rolling my legs every night. For runners you really need to stretch a lot, and roll your legs that way you can prevent injuries. And I just love stretching! It's gotten to the point where I don't feel productive If  I don't stretch. I really notice a difference from stretching. My body feels more loose, I get a better night of sleep, and best of all-it relaxes me. It just really is a winner, and I'm really all about it. Also if you've never heard of rolling out before, it's pretty much using a foam roller or other roller kind of thing and rolling your legs with it. 

My Instagram

Guys I am obsessed with Instagram!!! Ever since I started to focus on my blog more, I've been more present on social media. And over summer break I am proud to say that I spent a least two hours on Instagram everyday. It's just a thing that bloggers gotta do to promote their stuff. And not to mention how certain techniques bring tons of more traffic, and opportunities for you if you're a blogger or "influencer". I get so inspired scrolling through my feed, and seeing everyone's cute outfits, random food items, and home inspiration. I just love it!! But with school in session now, I won't have tons of time to be on Instagram because my focus is on school. Also you guys can follow me on Instagram @sugarcoatedbears

Anyways thanks for checking out this post. And I'll see you guys on Friday with another blog post. 
My social media




  1. It sounds like you had a great month!

  2. Your August sounds like so much fun! And I'd love to hear more about your running too!

    Heather xx

  3. Aww your bed looks so cozy and comfortable! Hehe my bed is one of my favorite places too!

    Enclothed Cognition

  4. Aw loving your DIY project! So cute!

    <3 Shannon 
    Upbeat Soles

  5. I love this! Seems like your August went great. I always tell myself I'll do some stretches every night, because I always feel good afterwards, but I either forget or get too lazy...

    ~ Lora | Cherry Cola Style

  6. I love a new furniture in my room to. Grat bed <3
    Check out my blog and follow me ;)

  7. Your bed looks so cozy, and I cannot believe what an excellent runner you are. That 3 mile time is extremely impressive. You should be very proud of yourself, and congrats for making Varsity. You deserve it!
    xo, Whitney and Blaire
    Peaches In A Pod

  8. Your bed looks so cozy!!
    xx- Nina

  9. My boyfriend is a distance runner + does OCR and he swears by rolling! :)

    Le Stylo Rouge

  10. It sounds like you had a great month! Loved this post! :)

  11. Great stuff! I can't wait to see some of your DIY projects!!


  12. I was just this excited in April when I moved out of my dorm room and got a big bed! I love it so so much!!
    Also, I'm going through a phase of Instagram loving myself, haha

    Have an amazing week,
    Mary x

  13. Congrats on making varsity! Looking forward to seeing your DIY's!

    Doused in Pink

  14. Yesss DIY projects are the best!

    xx Sofia | SOFIAADOT

  15. Sounds like you've had a great month!

  16. Thanks for sharing!! <3

    X Merel

  17. I got a new bed today! Ah its amazing I'm literally just laying on it now like life is good!

  18. Your bed looks so cozy!!! Its so relaxed you have such a big bed right now! Sounds like you had a great month!

    Love, Layla Rosita |

  19. I love that cute pillow on your bed! And I'm so impressed with how fast you are! I'm a runner as well and have been trying to spend more time on the foam roller lately. It makes such a big difference.

  20. Wow, you are a fast runner. I would love to hear more running related themes.;)

  21. Such fun favorites!


  22. LOve your favorites!

  23. Cross Country team, that's impressive! :) Hubby's a runner and he takes stretching very seriously! DIY is always good for the soul, my friends and I have gotten into the habit of going to pottery painting and we all love it! In fact we're going this fRiday and I think it's time I blog about it! :) And Instagram is really inspiring!!! I spend an hour every morning with my coffee taking in the diversity that's out there! :)

  24. I've been obsessed with instagram lately too :)

  25. Congrats on the new bed and doing the cross country team. I'm not a good runner so kudos to you for doing that. I have a queen size bed too and love it haha.
