February favorites

1) Watching the sunset
 I really enjoy biking everyday to go watch the sunset, even if there is no sunset. At least I'm getting out of the house. I love seeing the beautiful colors and seeing the texture of the clouds. Also watching the cute geesies.  
2) Drinking tea
 I really enjoy drinking tea because it really relaxes me and helps a sore throat out very much. It's awesome to have a nice cup of tea throughout the day. Like literally on the weekends I use the same tea bag all day and then just heat up the water over and over again and keep drinking tea. 
3)Rainy days
 I love the rain so much, well I've always liked the rain. It's so relaxing and it cleans the earth. It's nice just snuggling up inside with tons of blankets when it's raining. Rain during nighttime is just the best because it helps you sleep a lot better. I went on a rain walk a few days ago and it was really awesome. 
I've loved listening to Colplay ever since I was back in first grade. I just remember one day in second grade I was sitting in math class and Strawberry Swing was in my head and I was just gazing out the window at the trees. Coldplay's music is timeless. Coldplay has creative music videos and thier use of intruments is astonishing. I've been enjoying the songs Sparks, Gravity, The Scientist, Hym For The Weekend, Violet Hill, and Adventure Of A Lifetime. 
5)Wearing gloves
 I've been wearing gloves at school everyday and I really enjoy how it keeps my hands warm and cozy. Gloves have a classy vibe to them which I really enjoy. These gloves are from the nineteen forties. Since I wear them everyday they have stains and a hole in them, but aye I don't mind.

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