How minimalism has impacted my life

Minimalism has changed my whole outlook on life in a positive way. I noticed that I feel a lot happier, lightweight, and stress free. My room looks a lot more visually appealing and everything is very convenient to find. When Snookie escapes the house and runs down the street, I don't get mad, I just laugh at her running. Just a month and a half ago I would get mad at small things like that. When I go out shopping, I notice that I ask myself if I really need it. I'm getting to be a smarter shopper and I've been saving money. I used to just buy things because I felt like I had to spend my money. But it's completely my choice. I don't have to do anything if I don't want to do it. 

Finding out about minimalism has made me realize that less is more.  

I'm not against having materialistic items and consumerism. I love going shopping, but I don't buy much, only the stuff I need or will use on the regular. You can treat yourself to items, but just don't let it get out of control. 

I find myself questioning why people hold onto certain things that they truly don't need. People will hold onto things because they are sentimental or because they might need it "just in case". But most of the time you won't ever need it "just in case". Sentimental items can be hard to get rid of because of the emotional attachment. But for those sentimental items, allow yourself a box to put the most important sentimental items into and the rest donote, sell, give to a friend, etc. 

Every time I go through my stuff, I feel lighter and a sense of freedom. I ask myself, Did I use this recently? Why am I keeping this? Will I wear this? These questions have helped me get rid of the excess. I don't overthink it, I just ask these simple questions.

So overall minimalism has made me happier, saved me money, reduced the stress, and made my life easier. 

Day in my life: Holiday break

I wake up around 5:45 am.Then I usually go hangout downstairs for a bit and check snapchat and instagram. I also work on my blog and go on tumblr. You guys can check out my tumblr. It's just made up of photos I love to look at. I also play with Cherry in the morning. I've been playing a tug game with her lately. It's where she bites onto the end of the stuffed animal and I hold the other side and we both try to get the stuffed animal out of each other's grip. It's funny how she will put all of her strength into getting the stuffed animal. 
Then I wash my face. I decided to use a face mask today. This one works really well and makes the gross stuff go away. I will probably review this face mask on here in the future. Then after that is done it's usually lunchtime and I eat. I've been enjoying smoothies and rice lately. 
After lunch is when my day really starts. I go out and take photos and explore. I love going on bike rides. I also sometimes bring my journal and write things down in it. I like to listen to the birds also. It's unique how all of them make different sounds. I usually explore for an hour or so and then I come back to the house. I stay at the house for a little bit. At the house I like to just dance around while listening to music. It's very fun and dancing around is good exercise. Then I go back out around 4:30. 
I like to watch the sunset. I also do a little bit of workouts when I go watch the sunset. I've been doing running exercises, jumping jacks, leg lifts, and push ups. Then I go home and I cook myself dinner. After dinner I usually organize things and go on the Internet for a bit. I go to bed whenever I'm bored since I'm never tired. I do usually go to bed around 8:30 since I love to sleep. And that is pretty much how my day goes. But of course this is not the same for everyday, I switch up a few things here and there. 

The meaning of life

Life is a gift. We should be delighted for everyday that we are still breathing. We never know when our live may end, so I believe we should live our lives to the fullest. Life, it goes by in a blink of an eye. Life is too short to be dejected. What's the point of living an unhappy life? If your unhappy, try to take action on what you need to do to make your life happier. Get off your ass and take action, it's the only way to achieve your goals. Taking action can be strenuous but I can help you out with that. Plan out what you want to take action on. Next is changing your mindset. You will find yourself doubting what you need to do and you will want to put off your task. Don't put off your task. 

Now, try to have an open mind. Start saying yes to more things, try new things. Life begins at the end of your comfort zone. People fear stepping out of their comfort zone. But what is there to be afraid of? What are you scared of? Face your fears, it's the only way to get over them. I used to be scared of the dark, I turned off the lights one day without my night light on and that is how I got over that fear. Now I can't sleep if there is even a tiny bit of light. 

I think the meaning of life is to find out who you are and to be happy. For some people it comes easier than others, but just work at your own pace. Life is all about having fun and making astounding memories. For me, I know myself and I'm pretty happy. I'm about 100 times happier than how I was last year. But I don't care about the past because I'm living in the present. I like to watch sunsets and explore new places and that helps a lot because I'm getting out there in the world. Nature relaxes me a lot, I feel a sense of freedom when I'm out in nature. By simply going on a walk, it will put you in a better mood instantly. 

I asked a few of my friends about the meaning of life. These are some of their responses. 
Amaya-Find happiness
Kira-"It's not about the destination, it's about the journey"
David-Fail and succeed and have a good future 
Lizzy-Never let people drag you down, be yourself, be happy, plus be weird. 

How minimalism can improve your life

What is minimalism?Minimalism is about living a meaningful life with less. It's getting rid of the stuff that is cluttering your life. It's living with the things you actually use. It's living with fewer material possessions. It's a way to free yourself from the stress that is building up in our lives. It's focusing on what is really important. Now ask yourself, 
What is really important?

You may be thinking, "What is the benefit of living with fewer materialistic items"? 
*It eliminates our disconnect
 *Have more time
*live in the moment
*More freedom
*Your space looks more appealing
*Pursue your passions
*More confidence
*Easier to clean your place
*You're happier
*Grow as individuals
*Spend less money
*Less greedy
*Focus on our health
*Contribute beyond ourselves
*Set an example
*Not tied to the past
*Find things easier
*Less stress
*Discover the purpose in our lives

People have grown too attached to their stuff. It's getting in the way of our personal growth. We need focus on the things that really do mean something, and the things that are important in life. By just cleaning out your room, it makes you feel better right? Clean up your junk and donate all the things you don't need and the stuff you don't use. By donating the stuff you don't need, it supports people who do need those things in their life. It will make you feel good to know that you're giving to someone.

You see, I'm just trying to change people's mindset that materialistic things are happiness. Life is more than just an endless shopping trip. 

Auntie Marilynn visits North Carolina

Hey everyone! Auntie Marilynn came to visit us for Thanksgiving. On Wedesday, we went to see the new hunger games movie. It was really good, and I'm glad it was a happy ending. The next day I got to hangout with Auntie Marilynn was on Friday. We went to the mall for some black friday deals. I found some cute boots for 20 dollars! I don't get them till Christmas through. Then on Saturday we visited downtown Wake Forest. I love going in the antique shops there. We hit the coffee shop too, I ate the best chocolate muffin there. It was so awesome to see Auntie Marilynn.